Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018

Mesothelioma! The Cancer That Malaysians Are Not Supposed To Know?

What we are about to share with you today is something that is dead serious but amazingly nobody knew about it here in Malaysia. It is widely believed by private medical practitioners here that the Malaysian Health Ministry is covering up any news or information with regards to Mesothelioma from the knowledge of the public for some dark reasons. Our sources have confirmed that the number of Malaysians secretly diagnosed with Mesothelioma is rising and it is high time that you would take this opportunity to learn more about this unknown type of cancer.
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that can be directly caused by previous and continuous exposure to asbestos. In this type of cancer, bad and malicious cells grew in numbers in the mesothelium. Mesothelium is a protective lining that protects most of our internal organs. Records have shown that Mesothelioma would normally attack the pleura, peritoneum or the pericardium.
Symptoms of Mesothelioma would not appear drastically. Once exposed to asbestos, patients would only show signs or symptoms of Mesothelioma somewhere between 20 to 50 years later which made it much easier for any irresponsible parties or governments to hide this form of cancer from the public's knowledge! Based from what we had gathered from private medical practitioners, there are a number of symptoms that you should get to know of:
Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma 
  1. Breath shortness
  2. Coughing (normally with blood) and chest pain due to fluid accumulation in the pleural space
Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma 
  1. Weight loss and cachexia
  2. Abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites, which is the build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity
  3. Bowel obstruction
  4. Blood clotting abnormalities
  5. Anaemia
  6. Fever
Symptoms of advanced peritoneal mesothelioma (where it would spread to other parts of the body) 
  1. Pain or having trouble in swallowing food and liquid
  2. Swelling of the neck or face
Normally Mesothelioma would affect those who worked and lived in environments where asbestos particles, dusts and fibres are prevalent. The nightmare doesn't end there for this highly at risk group can later indirectly create secondary exposures of asbestos particles, dusts and fibres to their immediate family members once they got home from work! If you or anyone of your immediate family members are involved in the home renovation or housing and building construction industries, you should take this matter very seriously indeed! Please understand that Mesothelioma is a highly aggressive and deadly type of cancer. To date there is no immediate cure!
In Malaysia, the cases of Mesothelioma reported here are somewhat different than those outside of Malaysia. While other countries has many cases of Mesothelioma that can be directly attributed to long exposures of asbestos by those who work in the house renovation or construction industries, Malaysia meanwhile has an alarming number of cases diagnosed on patients that do not work in such high risk groups! Malaysian patients that have been secretly diagnosed with Mesothelioma are just plain ordinary people, just like you and me!
If you have been following this story closely right now, you might be wondering how that is possible. Private medical practitioners here have identified our homes as the primary suspect. It is no secret here that Malaysian homes are most often built hastily, using cheap materials and shoddy workmanship. One of the primary materials used in any construction is cement which is a type of white asbestos. Cheap and low quality cements used in construction industries do not last long especially when it is applied improperly. Cements would soon weaken, starts to flake and later become brittle, leaving you with dusts on the floor and invisible particles floating in the air. This is the big culprit that has caused many cases of Mesothelioma in Malaysia! Unfortunately, irresponsible parties with godly power have gone into extreme measures to make sure that no Malaysian would know anything about this! Are they protecting the irresponsible Malaysian housing and building contractors where most of them are linked with political parties and figures?
Now that you know what Mesothelioma is all about, spread the knowledge to friends and families as soon as possible. Make them aware that there is deadly hazard right there in our very homes. Before we go, we would like to hear your input on something. We would like to know whether you had heard of Mesothelioma before or this would be the first time that you ever heard of it. Please place your vote here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/582782

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